Alberto Agustin Apps

Alb Multiplications DEMO
Learn and practice multiplications while you play a game
Alb English irregular Verbs in 3 forms-FREE-No Ads 10.1.1
• App developed to help my sons to learn and practice the irregularEnglish verbs in the 3 forms / tenses for school / institute /college (primary, secondary, ESO, B1, B2, C1), on an easy way forthem: Not studying, but playing: It works! (...And not only forkids & children, but for all ages!). • Learn, play and practicethe 3 forms / tenses of the irregular English verbs. • Designed forstudents of English (and kids) of any grade / age: school,institute, college, primary, secondary, B1, B2, C1... Or for anyonethat wants to learn or practice the tenses of the irregular Englishverbs in the 3 forms or their meaning in Spanish or French. • 3 appversions: - Free / ADS: NEW , Free version with Ads to enable with1 click (FREE) all irregular English verbs of the complete version.- Free / Demo: FREE, with NO ads, version limited in the irregularEnglish verbs list (not all irregular verbs of the list areavailable, although there are more than enough irregular englishverbs to practice offline and learn). I would suggest to start withthis free version. Then, once you have learnt the irregular Englishverbs of the free version, go either to the complete version,either to the ADS version (free). - Complete version: Completeversion with NO ads. Cheap! (Cost less than inviting to a coffee).;-) • Irregular English verbs to practice and learn can be selectedfrom the list. • Resizable screen: Fits in any screen size, and canbe adjusted for the smallest phones, to the biggest tablets, eitherin vertical, either in horizontal mode. • Multilanguage: English,Spanish or French. • App does not require any permission on Android6 (for some previous android versions, Android sets WIFIpermissions, although not used, neither needed: You can playoffline). • In case of any problem or suggestion, please, send anemail to [email protected] • Play with your children tocheck who scores more, or simply, let the children play 10 minutesa day... In few days, they will learn the irregular English verbsin the 3 forms / tenses without studying... And if you want, youcan also learn their meaning in Spanish or French. • With this app,you can: - Practice and learn English irregular verbs in the threeforms / tenses (infinitive, past and participle) (v1 v2 v3) andtheir meaning in Spanish and French if you want. - Change the studyof irregular English verbs into a game to learn irregular Englishverbs. • This app is simply a game that replaces the typical "passthe lesson" with Q&A: The app sometimes asks the infinitive,others the past, and others the participle; and if you want, theapp can also ask the meaning in Spanish or French. Based on playand practice, you will learn the irregular English verbs in thethree forms / tenses (v1 v2 v3), as you learn at school / institute/ college (primary, secondary, ESO, B1, B2, C1). • Beware of theaccents when used in Spanish or French!!!: Remember that in school/ college (in primary and in secondary), if you do not write theaccents, the answer can be set as "bad": This app is not onlyuseful to learn the irregular English verbs and their meaning inSpanish and French, but it's also useful to learn to write withaccents (you get used to it very quickly, because if you do not putthe accent, the app will not give you the answer as valid!). • I'vetaken the list of irregular English verbs from the list ofirregular English verbs to learn at school and institute (primary,secondary / ESO). • Please, to avoid confusions, note that withthis app you can practice and learn English irregular verbs in the3 forms / tenses, but you cannot practice all the English regularverbs (just adding -ed -ed). If you need to practice the EnglishNOT irregular verbs, then, I'm afraid this is not the app for that!• App Name: English: Alb English Verbs DEMO Español: Alb VerbosIngles DEMO Français: Alb Verbes Anglais DEMO
Alb Subtractions - FREE-No Ads 6.1.0
• App developed to help my sons to learn andpractice subtractions for school / institute, on an easy way forthem: Not studying, but playing: It works! (...And not only forchildren, but for all ages!).• Learn, play and practice subtractions.• Designed for students of any grade / age: Primary, secondary,ESO... Or for anyone that wants to learn or practicesubtractions.• 2 app versions:- Free / Demo: FREE, with NO ads, version limited tosubtractions of 3 digits. I would suggest to start with this freeversion. Then, once you or your son is confident with them, go tothe complete version, in which you can configure the number ofdigits, and the number of decimals.- Complete version: Complete version with NO ads. Cheap! (Cost lessthan inviting to a coffee). ;-)• Number of digits and number of decimals can be configured on thecomplete version.• Resizable screen: Fits in any screen size, and can be adjustedfor the smallest phones, to the biggest tablets, either invertical, either in horizontal mode.• Multilanguage: Set the menus in English, Spanish or French.• App does not require any permission on Android 6 (for someprevious android versions, Android sets WIFI permissions to theapp, although not used, neither needed).• In case of any problem, or if you think adding any additionalfeature would be helpful, please, send an email [email protected]• Play with your children to check who scores more, or simply, letthe children play 10 minutes a day... In few days, they will bevery confident on subtractions without studying.• With this app, you can:- Practice and learn to do subtractions.- Change the study of subtractions into a game to learn them.• This app is simply a game that replaces the typical "pass thelesson" with Q&A (questions and answers): The app asks adifferent subtraction every time and check your responses. Based onplay and practice, you will learn to do subtractions quickly, asyou are asked at school / college (primary / secondary).• You can configure the subtractions as you are asked in yourschool or institute (primary, secondary / ESO).• App Name:Alb Subtractions - Alb Restas - Alb Soustractions
Alb Sums - FREE - No Ads 6.1.0
• App developed to help my sons to learn and practice sums forschool / institute, on an easy way for them: Not studying, butplaying: It works! (...And not only for children, but for allages!). • Learn, play and practice sums. • Designed for students ofany grade / age: Primary, secondary, ESO... Or for anyone thatwants to learn or practice sums. • 2 app versions: - Free / Demo:FREE, with NO ads, version limited to sums of 2 digits. I wouldsuggest to start with this free version. Then, once you or your sonis confident with them, go to the complete version, in which youcan configure the number of digits of the addends, and the numberof decimals. - Complete version: Complete version with NO ads.Cheap! (Cost less than inviting to a coffee). ;-) • Addends’snumber of digits and number of decimals can be configured on thecomplete version. • Resizable screen: Fits in any screen size, andcan be adjusted for the smallest phones, to the biggest tablets,either in vertical, either in horizontal mode. • Multilanguage: Setthe menus in English, Spanish or French. • App does not require anypermission on Android 6 (for some previous android versions,Android sets WIFI permissions to the app, although not used,neither needed). • In case of any problem, or if you think addingany additional feature would be helpful, please, send an email [email protected] • Play with your children to check whoscores more, or simply, let the children play 10 minutes a day...In few days, they will be very confident on sums without studying.• With this app, you can: - Practice and learn to do sums. - Changethe study of sums into a game to learn them. • This app is simply agame that replaces the typical "pass the lesson" with Q&A(questions and answers): The app asks a different sum every timeand check your responses. Based on play and practice, you willlearn to do sums quickly, as you are asked at school / college(primary / secondary). • You can configure the sums as you areasked in your school or institute (primary, secondary / ESO). • AppName: Alb Sums - Alb Sumas - Alb Sommes
Alb Spanish Verbs - DEMO
Learn and practice Spanish verbs conjugation while you play a game.NO Ads.
Alb English irregular Verbs in
Learn and practice the irregular English verbs while you play aQ&A tenses game.
Alb French Verbs - DEMO
Learn & practice French regular and irregular verbs tenseswhile you play a game
Alb Capitales Europa - DEMO
Learn the European capitals with a game, and without advertising.
Alb Divisions DEMO
• App developed to help my sons to learn and practice divisions forschool / institute, on an easy way for them: Not studying, butplaying: It works! (...And not only for children, but for allages!). • I have not found any program for my sons to practicedivisions with decimals, either in the divider, either in thedividend, or any program to practice divisions with decimals in thequotient, so I created this app. • Learn, play and practicedivisions at all levels, from the very beginner to the divisionswith decimals, either in the dividend, either in the divider or inthe quotient. • Designed for students of any grade / age: Primary,secondary... Or for anyone that wants to learn or practicedivisions, with, or without decimals. • 3 app versions: - Free /ADS: NEW , Free version with Ads to enable with 1 click (FREE) allthe options of the complete version, in which you can configure thenumber of digits of the dividend and divider, and the number ofdecimals in the dividend, divider, or quotient of the divisions. -Free / Demo: FREE, with NO ads, version limited to 3 digits in thedividend, and 1 digit in the divider of the divisions. I wouldsuggest to start with this free version. Then, once you or your sonis confident with them, go either to the complete version, eitherto the ADS version. - Complete version: Complete version with NOads in which you can configure the number of digits of the dividendand divider, and the number of decimals in the dividend, divider,or quotient of the divisions. Cheap! (Cost less than inviting to acoffee). ;-) • Dividend and divider’s number of digits and numberof decimals of divisions can be configured on the complete version.• Resizable screen: Fits in any screen size, and can be adjustedfor the smallest phones, to the biggest tablets, either invertical, either in horizontal mode. • Multilanguage: Set the menusin English, Spanish or French. • App does not require anypermission on Android 6 or higher (for some previous androidversions, Android sets WIFI permissions to the app, although notused, neither needed). • In case of any problem, or if you thinkadding any additional feature would be helpful, please, send anemail to [email protected] • Play with your children tocheck who scores more, or simply, let the children play 10 minutesa day... In few days, they will be very confident on divisionswithout studying. • This app is simply a game that replaces thetypical "pass the lesson" with Q&A (questions and answers): Theapp asks a different division every time and check your responses.Based on play and practice, you will learn to do divisions quickly.• App Name: Alb Divisions - Alb Divisiones - Alb Divisions
Alb French Verbs - Conjugation
Learn & practice French regular and irregular verbs tenseswhile you play a game
Alb Spanish Verbs - Conjugatio
Learn and practice Spanish verbs tenses conjugation while you playa game.
Alb Capitales Europa
Learn European capitals with a game, and ad-free (no ads).
Alb Capitales Europa - FREE (Gratis) - ADS 11.2.0
• He realizado esta App para ayudar a mis hijos a aprender yrecordar las capitales de Europa en el colegio / instituto, de unaforma fácil para ellos: Jugando... ¡Y funciona! (... Y no sólo paraniños, sino para todas las edades!). • Aprender, jugar, practicar yrecordar las capitales de Europa. • Diseñado para estudiantes decualquier curso, grado, edad: primaria, secundaria, ESO... O paracualquiera que quiera recordar o aprender las capitales de Europa.• 3 versiones de la aplicación: - ADS: NUEVA , gratis. Versióngratuita con anuncios para habilitar con un clik todas lascapitales de la versión completa. - Free / Demo: gratis, sinpublicidad. Versión limitada a alrededor de la mitad de los paísesy capitales de Europa (no están disponibles todos los países ycapitales, pero hay muchos para practicar). Sugiero empezar conesta versión gratis. Después, ir a la versión completa, o a lagratuita con anuncios. - Versión completa: Sin publicidad. ¡Barata!(Cuesta menos que invitar a un café). ;-) • Pantalla de tamañoajustable: Se adapta a cualquier tamaño de pantalla, además sepuede re-ajustar para los teléfonos más pequeños y para las tabletsmás grandes, tanto en modo en vertical como en horizontal. • Laaplicación no requiere ningún permiso en Android 6 o superior,aunque para mostrar los anuncios es necesario tener conectividad ainternet. • En caso de cualquier problema, o si piensa que seríaútil añadir alguna funcionalidad, por favor, envíe un correoelectrónico a [email protected] • Juega con tus hijos a verquien acierta mas, o simplemente deja a los niños que jueguen 10minutos al día... En pocos días aprenderán todas las capitales deEuropa sin estudiar. • Con esta aplicación, podrás: - Recordar yaprender las capitales de Europa. - Cambiar el estudio de lascapitales de Europa por un juego para aprenderlas. • Esta app essimplemente un juego que sustituye al típico "pasar la lección",con preguntas y respuestas: Cada vez se pregunta una capital o paísdistinto y comprueba las respuestas. A base de jugar y practicarcon ella, se aprenden todas las capitales de Europa rápidamente,tal y como las preguntan en el colegio / instituto (primaria,secundaria / ESO). • Nombre de la Aplicación: Alb Capitales EuropaADS
Alb Divisions - ADS 7.2.0
Learn and practice divisions without, or with decimals, while youplay a game.
Alb English irregular Verbs-Ad 10.1.1
Learn and practice the irregular English verbs while you play aQ&A tenses game.
Alb Spanish Verbs conjugation -FREE- ADS 14.1.0
• App developed to help my sons to learn, practice and conjugatethe tenses of the Spanish verbs for school / institute, on an easyway for them: Not studying, but playing: It works! (...And not onlyfor children, but for all ages!). Now, with regular and irregularSpanish verbs. • Learn, play, practice, and conjugate the tenses ofthe Spanish verbs (regular and irregular). • Designed for studentsof Spanish of any grade / age: Primary, secondary, ESO... Or foranyone that wants to learn or practice the tenses of the Spanishverbs. • 3 app versions: - Free / ADS: NEW , Free version with Adsto enable with 1 click (FREE) all Spanish verbs and tenses of thecomplete version. - Free / Demo: FREE, with NO ads, version limitedin the Spanish verbs list and tenses (not all verbs and tenses ofthe list are available, although there are more than enough verbsand tenses to practice and learn offline). I would suggest to startwith this free version. Then, once you have learnt the Spanishverbs and tenses of this free version, go either to the completeversion, either to the ADS version. - Complete version: Completeversion with NO ads. Cheap! (Cost less than inviting to a coffee).;-) • Spanish verbs and tenses to practice and learn can beselected / unselected from the list. • Resizable screen: Fits inany screen size, and can be adjusted for the smallest phones, tothe biggest tablets, either in vertical, either in horizontal mode.• Multilanguage: English, Spanish or French. • App does not requireany permission on Android 6 or higher, although to show the ads, itis needed to have Internet connectivity. • In case of any problem,or if you think adding any additional feature would be helpful,please, send an email to [email protected] • Play with yourchildren to check who scores more, or simply, let the children play10 minutes a day... In few days, they will learn all tenses of theSpanish verbs without studying. • With this app, you can: -Practice and learn Spanish verbs tenses. - Change the study ofSpanish verbs tenses into a game to learn Spanish verbs tenses. •This app is simply a game that replaces the typical "pass thelesson" with Q&A (questions and answers): The app asks thetenses and check your responses. Based on play and practice, youwill learn the Spanish verbs in all the tenses, as you learn atschool / college (primary / secondary). • Beware of the accents!!!:Remember that in school / college (in primary and in secondary), ifyou do not write the accents, the answer can be set as "bad": Thisapp is not only useful to learn the Spanish verbs tenses, but it'salso useful to learn to write with accents (you get used to it veryquickly, because if you do not put the accent, the app will notgive you the answer as valid!). • The list of Spanish verbs tensesand regular and irregular Spanish verbs is the one to learn atschool and institute (primary, secondary / ESO). • App Name: AlbSpanish Verbs ADS - Alb Verbos Castellano ADS - Alb Verbes EspagnolADS
Alb French Verbs - Ad 14.1.0
Learn & practice French regular and irregular verbs tenseswhile you play a game
Alb Sums
Learn and practice sums while you play a game.
Alb Subtractions
• App developed to help my sons to learn and practice subtractionsfor school / institute, on an easy way for them: Not studying, butplaying: It works! (...And not only for children, but for allages!). • Learn, play and practice subtractions. • Designed forstudents of any grade / age: Primary, secondary, ESO... Or foranyone that wants to learn or practice subtractions. • 2 appversions: - Free / Demo: FREE, with NO ads, version limited tosubtractions of 3 digits. I would suggest to start with this freeversion. Then, once you or your son is confident with them, go tothe complete version, in which you can configure the number ofdigits, and the number of decimals. - Complete version: Completeversion with NO ads. Cheap! (Cost less than inviting to a coffee).;-) • Number of digits and number of decimals can be configured onthe complete version. • Resizable screen: Fits in any screen size,and can be adjusted for the smallest phones, to the biggesttablets, either in vertical, either in horizontal mode. •Multilanguage: Set the menus in English, Spanish or French. • Appdoes not require any permission on Android 6 (for some previousandroid versions, Android sets WIFI permissions to the app,although not used, neither needed). • In case of any problem, or ifyou think adding any additional feature would be helpful, please,send an email to [email protected] • Play with your childrento check who scores more, or simply, let the children play 10minutes a day... In few days, they will be very confident onsubtractions without studying. • With this app, you can: - Practiceand learn to do subtractions. - Change the study of subtractionsinto a game to learn them. • This app is simply a game thatreplaces the typical "pass the lesson" with Q&A (questions andanswers): The app asks a different subtraction every time and checkyour responses. Based on play and practice, you will learn to dosubtractions quickly, as you are asked at school / college (primary/ secondary). • You can configure the subtractions as you are askedin your school or institute (primary, secondary / ESO). • App Name:Alb Subtractions - Alb Restas - Alb Soustractions